Saturday, March 5, 2011

Financial Revolution

Since its beginnings America has long been the world’s symbol of Freedom.  Men and women came to America in search of Freedom.  Freedom to worship as they believed, Freedom from highly unjust taxes, Freedom from overreaching government control, and Freedom to be able to speak and say anything their heart desired.

Because of these Freedoms, America has become the greatest nation the world has ever known.  Peoples from all over the earth have desired to come to America in order to experience the Freedoms and opportunities we enjoy.

In order for those of us who are so blessed to live in America today and in order for our children and grandchildren to enjoy these Freedoms,  we as American citizens today,  have a great responsibility to preserve and protect these Freedoms.  Being responsible means to be accountable for one’s behavior.  Unfortunately, those we have elected to serve our great nation, to protect it, to preserve it, and to insure our Freedoms, have let us down in an unbelievable way.

One area where our government has been totally irresponsible is in our current financial situation.  As I think about the current state of our unbalanced budget, my blood pressure climbs like a rocket.  How could our congress and president ever allow our great nation to get into this disastrous mess?  A true lack of responsibility, that’s how.

With our national debt around $13 trillion currently and growing at an alarming rate of $4 billion every single day,  how could those in control of our government and it’s spending let our national financial situation get into this state of total irresponsibility. 

This is one of the main reasons for The American Revolution of 2011.  The first American Revolution had much to do with taxation.  so here we are again!  You would think our government would have learned from the mistakes England made in the new Americas, but our near past and current elected statesman seem to have forgotten how to be financially responsible. 

It is past time for the average American citizen to allow this irresponsible action to continue.  Most of us at one time or another has had to make tough decisions and big adjustments in our spending habits when the income did not justify the spending.  When our spending exceeds our income, we cut back on spending to balance our personal finances.  When we fail to do this we usually end up in bankruptcy.  This is just common sense.  Why is it our government seems to have no common sense or responsibility when it comes to our money?

Now cometh The American Revolution of 2011!  There are many areas in America that need to be revolutionized, but I want to start with finances

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  First of all if our elected officials are not willing to take responsibility and immediately correct the situation they need to replaced or removed at the earliest possible opportunity.  Secondly, we need to enact drastic cuts in the spending habits of our national government.  Here are some suggestions on how to start cleaning up the toxic financial disaster we find ourselves in:
(1)    An immediate 10% reduction in the salaries of all federal government employees starting with the president and congress.  This includes every person .on the government payroll.  If our national budget is not balanced and we do not pay off 10% of the national debt next year, there will be another 5% cut in all on the government payroll the following year and every year thereafter until this is accomplished. 
(2)    A total hiring freeze for all government positions and jobs.  It is not my desire to see anyone lose their job, except for our elected officials.  As federal employees retire employees from other departments within the government would be relocated to fill the most needed positions.  As our government cuts spending and unnecessary programs there will be a need for fewer and fewer federal employees.
(3)    An immediate freeze on any new spending within the federal government.  This means right now and applies to any new programs our government has enacted within the past two years.  A huge one is the new health care reform bill that has very little to do with true health care reform and a lot to do with additional government control, government spending, and unnecessary government programs.
(4)    A balanced budget amendment enacted immediately which would not allow the government to spend more than is received and that our national debt be paid off within 10 years, and never allow our nation to go into debt again.
(5)    Absolutely no new taxes until our national debt is paid off.  This means no new personal or business taxes.  Once the budget is balanced and the national debt is paid off, then we can make adjustments in taxes, lowering them for personal income and business income by at least 25%! 
(6)    Setting up priorities for government spending with the most important areas receiving first priority.  Those would be national defense, social security, Medicare, and veterans benefits.  The remaining government programs would be funded as funds are available.
(7)    The final starting suggestion would be term limits for U. S. Representatives and Senators.  Because many of those we have elected to serve and protect us have abused their positions greatly by being so irresponsible and in many cases self serving, they should be limited to 12 years total in the House of Representatives and Senate combined.  Our forefathers established these positions as positions of service to the citizens of the United States of America similar to those who serve in our armed forces.  Not as positions of power and financial gain.  Fresh leadership continually will greatly improve reforms and allow more Americans to give back to their beloved country. 

When members of the new congress have recommended large cuts in the national budget, President Obama accused congress of using a butcher knife instead of using a scalpel to trim the budget.  The heck with a butcher knife or scalpel, our current situation calls for a chainsaw and gentlemen, START YOUR ENGINES NOW!

Looking forward to your comments and suggestions to improve and speed up The American Revolution of 2011.

May God richly bless each of you and may God Bless America.

Daniel E. Jackson

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